workshop with Juan Carlos Corazza
Considered one of the best trainers in the world of actors, the Argentinean based in Spain Juan Carlos Corazza - the man who took Penelope Cruz and Javier Barden at the Oscars for "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona" and "No Country For Old Men", respectively - came to Brazil for a workshop aimed at actors, directors and students of the performing arts.
Corazza came to Rio via an invitation of actor Cauã Reymond. The project was selected by the fund to support the municipal secretary of culture, which secured part of the resources for their realization theater (FATE).
The two workshops counted with the participation of Brazilian rooted in spain, Betina Waissman, coordinator of body and movement of Studio Corazza for El Actor.
Founded by coach 22 years ago, the school of interpretation is recognized today as one of the most innovative and influential of Spain.
In the course, Corazza - which also has important career as a theater director, ahead of the Compañía del Teatro Studio - conveyed his approach to the work of the actor, seeking to deepen the process of character creation.
Corazza accompanies the student in the character creation process, which he divides into four stages: preparation, imagination, action and text.
Preparation is the moment that generates creative power to act; 
Imagination is the step in which it seeks to awaken, release and channel the imagination for that work; 
Action involves the definition and development of the character himself; and work with the text is to deepen your sense and continue it throughout the narrative.
Here are the pictures made through one entire month when actors remained isolated from the world devoting all their time and force to improve their personal points of view about the art of acting.
The artists worked through the script of Anton Tchekhov and The Cherry Orchard (Вишнëвый сад) and The Seagull (Чайка) were the background text to develop their characters.
"Criatividade e Ordem no trabalho do Ator"
"Creativity and Order at the Actor Work"

The second workshop offered by Corazza in Brazil, sought to offer a wider audience an experience of approaching the same approach to work freely and in Masterclass format for over 110 people. Actors, directors and theater students were selected by Juan and able to attend one of the best actors in the world of prepador act in the process of formation of characters and scenes. 
More constant student and celebrated Corazza, actor Javier Bardem attests not only with lofty praise the competence of the trainer but also a collection of awards. His most notable performances are the films they worked on together: Mar adentro (best actor at the Venice Film Festival), where the weak have no place (Oscar for best supporting actor) and Biutiful (best actor at Cannes and an Oscar nomination). 
Cauã Reymond highlights the importance of the coach (or coach) to give depth and richness to the character: "In much of my work I could rely on a partnership with a coach, it is very important to have a different point of view in their psychological construction and even the physical character, "notes. 
Bardem proves the words of Cauã in their work cited above and others, the fruit of a partnership that began to take shape in 1990, when the director and trainer of actors opened the Estudio Corazza in Madrid. The Spanish actor was one of his first students and even today Bardem is keen to once a year, returning there to recycle and participate in courses that Corazza Minister professionals.